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Mentor Match Program
Mentor Match Pilot Program
The SPS Guided Mentor Match Program is a pilot program designed to connect students, trainees, and early-stage researchers with seasoned SPS members. Through structured one-on-one mentor/mentee relationships, SPS members can provide advice, guidance, and knowledge related to professional development, post-graduate pursuits, and ongoing career progression.  Apply today.
Program Overview
The goals of the program are to strengthen the safety pharmacology workforce by supporting the development of a diverse pipeline of emerging leaders; To provide a framework for professional growth and development and to create a safe, structured space that encourages learning and the exchange of information, ideas, and knowledge.
The Program aims to serve members in the safety pharmacology field who are seeking advice and guidance (Mentees) as well as more experienced members who are looking for opportunities to engage and give back to the profession (Mentors). The overall goal is to create mutually beneficial relationships that foster the professional and personal growth and development of both mentees and mentors.

Mentee Benefits

• Receive guidance and feedback from a seasoned safety pharmacology professional
• Connect with a member who shares common interests, research, backgrounds, and/or experiences
• Enhance professional development skills
• Build and refine professional identity
• Grow and expand professional network

Mentor Benefits

• Help shape the future of the safety pharmacology workforce
• Obtain personal satisfaction and give back to the safety pharmacology community
• Develop leadership capacities and skills related to coaching, management, and active listening
• Identify potential candidates for future job openings
• Grow and expand professional network
Program Participation
The Guided Mentor Match Pilot Program is open to SPS members only. SPS members interested in participating in the pilot as a mentor or mentee must complete the online application. All applicants are expected to review and agree to the "Roles and Expectations". (Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee matching to a mentor or mentee.)
SPS will use this information to match mentors and mentees based on professional background, primary research area/s, geographic region, or other shared interests. Matched pairs will be contacted by March 8, 2022. Formal participation will kick off with an orientation call followed by a series of one-on-one virtual meetings facilitated by the mentee during the dedicated mentorship period from March 2022 – to August 2022. At the end of the pilot program, we will ask both mentors and mentees to complete a brief survey on your experience to help us evaluate and improve the program.
All applications for the pilot program must be received by February 28 in order for the Committee to review and select a recipient. If any deadlines are extended they will be noted here and communicated to members.
Early Career ResourcesApply Now Roles and Expectations
“We invite you to participate in the Program, which is designed to connect students, trainees, and early-stage researchers with seasoned SPS members."